Tuesday, April 10, 2007

9,10 Apr -- A Real Contrast

The readings for Mon 9 and Tues 10 April are -- Exodus 1:1-2:25; Ps 17:6-12; Prov 3:25-26; Mt 19:1-22.

You can't get much more of a contrast in attitudes than this. Pharaoh ordered: "Kill all the boys as soon as they are born" (Ex 1:16 NLT). Jesus ordered: "Leave the little children alone, and don't try to keep them from coming to Me" (Mt 19:14 EDWJ Bible).

And here's another contrast from the current readings. Two rich rulers faced the same decision -- wealth or life? The one who had murdered another chose to leave his wealth behind rather than lose his life. The one who had never murdered anyone chose to hang onto his wealth rather than gain life. God was able to do great things through the murderer, but not through the coveter.

When Jesus spoke to the rich young ruler about the commandments, he listed the ones about honouring parents (#5), murder (#6), adultery (#7), stealing (#8), lying (#9) and loving one's neighbour (a general one from Lev 19:18 which really sums up 5-10 of the 10 Commandments). The man replied that he'd kept all those from his youth. But note that Jesus didn't mention the 10th commandment about covetousness. He knew the man was guilty of this one. His subsequent refusal to give away his wealth confirmed this. Nor did Jesus mention commandments 1-4, which are about loving God. The man loved his wealth more than God. He was worshiping another god -- money. He came seeking eternal life with God but left grieving, unwilling to accept Jesus' prescription. Let's provide the contrast to this in our lives.


At April 13, 2007 at 4:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Doesn't this all just emphasise just how "upside-down" God's Kingdom is. "The last shall be first and the first shall be last" and recall the Beatitudes! I think this is the sheer amazingness (if that's a word) of it all. It is all so incredibly simple, but compared to the way of the world, it is very hard.

When I was sitting in the childcare centre the other day I was reflecting on the passage about the little children. When they decide to come to you and sit on your knee or hug you, it is very simple. The trust is complete, and they come expecting only a good response, love and hugs in return. When they are hurting, a cuddle is often sufficient, then they hop down and carry on. This is how us grown ups should be with God!
Instead we complicate it with other priorities in our lives, old baggage and hurts and neediness. Yet we can just turn to God and hop into his lap. Then we receive his love uncomplicatedly, and we can pass it on freely.


Karen B


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